We carry out a detailed internal and external survey to decide the priorities of various items like structural repairs, stopping leakages and seepages, aesthetics and general rehabilitation.

We are also licenced Structural Engineers and carry out structure audit as per the recommendations and guidelines from the INDIAN SOCIETY OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS.

We use Visual, NDT tests to determine the structure stability of the building.Survey Part

1. Flat wise detailed survey

2. Structural defects.

3. Leakages/ seepages in external periphery.

4. Plumbing defects.

5. Waterproofing defects.

6. Internal Modification.

7. Any other as suggested by the clients.

8. Arriving at a technical solution required to tackle the problem and the optimum costs thereof.

A budget estimate is then prepared indicating the cost likely to be incurred under different heads and the cumulative cost. This helps the committee in garnering the funds through various available sources like building repairs funds, sinking fund etc. This budgeted estimate also helps in phasing out certain items of work depending upon the budgetary constraints involved. Since survey of any building structure leads to preparing budget estimate for any repairs and rehabilitation project, we have paid special attention to this area of work. Our survey/ engineers carry out the initial surveys along with the seniors and prepare the budget estimate.

They are responsible in coordinating with the site engineers/ supervisors who supervise the daily activities of work) and in taking joint measurements during billing thereby ensuring that the project is executed properly not only in terms quality but also within decided budget value.

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